Not just any old students, but students you love working with, who choose to work with you because you offer exactly what they need. Sounds great right? But how...🤔
I'm sure you've all been on someone's website and seen a pop-up proposing an interesting PDF that you can download by entering your name and email address: that's a lead magnet. It's any kind of free content that is worth you giving out your name and email address, and therefore joining an email list. It's often a document, but it can also be a video, a mini-course, a challenge or a template.
You just need to think about who you would love to work with (and more importantly who will pay to work with you) and design something really useful for that person. Then they swap their name and email address for this really helpful content.
It's not difficult to make a lead magnet and set it up so that you are building your email list without too much effort. I have ten's of different lead magnets now that I know how easy it is to do, and I'm always experimenting with different ideas.
The great thing is that you do the hard work once, and then it works for you.
By sharing your lead magnet as much as possible, in different places - in your email signature, on your social media, on your website - you can get new leads every month.
Why every English teacher should have (at least) one lead magnet
The thing here is the email list. When you have people on your email list, even if it's very small, you can make sure you're top of mind as the go-to person for your speciality, by sending them useful information and great content. An email list also gives you an opportunity to show your list what you are like to work with and how you can help them.
Getting people onto your email list is a safer bet than social media: you can't control algorithms which decide who sees your posts, but you can control your emails. Plus you can download your email list and keep it. If Linkedin suddenly shut down, I wouldn't be able to keep all my followers, but I would still have my email list.
So here's a lead magnet about lead magnets!
Download your list of 10 lead magnet ideas so you can start thinking about what to create for your ideal client.
I've also created a lead magnet course which takes you through every step of the way, from creating a great lead magnet, to setting up a landing page, to sending an email broadcast, all using free online tools.