How to fill in your BPF
It's April, and that means it's time to complete your yearly bilan financier and pédagogique, which is a requirement for anyone who has...
Your Own Teaching Business in France
How to fill in your BPF
Independent trainers in France: How to get your NDA (numéro de déclaration d'activité)
Get your own training paid for: how to apply for funding from the FIFPL!
How can you earn decent money as a freelance teacher...without Qualiopi?
Is it worth doing Qualiopi ?
The lowdown on CPF (and a great podcast if you want more students)
Marketing, Qualiopi and more...a look at how my clients come to me
English teachers: would you like to get more students?
Going it alone: 5 things you should know
What is EDOF and how does it work?
Can you do Qualiopi if you don't have any clients (yet)?
Qualiopi Q&A Facebook live
My Qualiopi experience
The tools I use (plus which ones I pay for)