Your Own Teaching Business in France
About Me
Hi, I'm Catherine and I've been working in EFL for more than 25 years. I came to Paris from Asia in 2008 and fell into a great, high-paying job as a company's in-house trainer. I also worked in several grande écoles. Life was good and I thought it would continue when I moved to the South of France.
​ The work I found in a training centre, where I went from company to company, paid a third of what I earned in Paris, with no professional development. I had a feeling that my years of experience meant nothing. I ended up running groups of kids classes on the side to earn extra money, even though that was really not my expertise (or what I enjoy!)
That's when I decided to go it alone. I knew how to get into the system as I had already had an NDA in Paris in 2012, so in 2016 I set up as an auto-entrepreneur and got my numéro de déclaration. Since then, I've been working with corporate and individual clients, on and offline. I've been through the whole réforme de la formation and have managed to keep up with each new admin hurdle (I am now on my second round of Qualiopi!)
It hasn't been easy and I've had to learn a lot along the way, about marketing, sales and of course the whole French admin system. My aim is to help other aspiring teacher entrepreneurs navigate the system and to stop being exploited by universities in the vacataire system or by low-paying language schools.