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Free resources for teachers in France

Helping you understand the French training system!

Preview of French training system guide

The French training system explained

Guidance & Inspiration

What exactly is the CPF? What is an OPCO? And have you ever even heard of a FAF?


The French training system is amazing for teachers: suddenly your clients don't need to pay out of their own pocket. Negotiating over 20€ per hour can be a thing of the past!


This free guide tells you about the French training system, the steps you need to take to get into it and the advantages and disadavantages. 

Qualiopi logo

Qualiopi indicators in real English!

Helping you understand Qualiopi: updated November 2023 for Qualiopi version 8


Have you looked at the Qualiopi indicators? Even if you're 100% fluent in French, they are not easy to decipher. 


Download a free spreadsheet with each indicator explained in plain English: it's what I used to start my Qualiopi preparations. 

10 lead magnet ideas

Ideas for a great lead magnet

Get the Most out of Life

You want to start growing your email list, but you're not sure how? Be inspired with this list of 10 great ideas for a lead magnet to attract your ideal client.

Independent Teachers in France facebook group

Join the Independent Teachers FB group

Get the Most out of Life

I don't know about you, but I only use Facebook for groups these days. I started the Independent teachers, trainers and formateurs in France group a few years ago so we could support each other and since then, it's grown to be a fantastic resource. Why not join us?

Don't hesitate to reach out!

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