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Your Own Teaching Business in France
How to fill in your BPF (bilan financier et pédagogique)
It's April so it's time to start completing your yearly bilan pédagogique et financier if you're an independent trainer. You only need to complete this if you have your NDA (numéro de déclaration d'activité) , because having the NDA means you are officially an organisme de formation.
Two things to remember about completing your bilan:
If you got your number partway through last year, you are not obliged to complete the BPF.
The information in this form is for statistics. No one is going to ask you for feuilles de présence or for bank statements to prove what you put on there. So don't stress if you don't know exactly how much money you earned last year for a training that started last year and continued into this year.
If you'd like some help completing your BPF, or answering any other questions you have about your organisme de formation, you can "borrow my brain" for an hour 😊
Please note that the form has changed slightly since I made this video. It doesn't need details of how many hours of distance training you had anymore, there is just one question at the beginning asking if you did any distance lessons, or e-learning. If you have done any teaching online, then click yes.
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